
Analysing Obesity in Children

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 8 / Words 2084
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 1126
Question :

This assessment covers following questions:

  • Choose a relevant urban health issue for your urban health profile.
  • Present data and information which is collected from the local area in relation to urban health issue.,
  • Demonstrate an analysis and interpretation of the data commenting on the implications od such data on the urban health issue and population healtrh in the area.
  • Reflecting the urban health issue and present the information and characteristics that relate to urban health issue.
Answer :


Obesity has been considered as a very complex disorder which majorly involve a huge amount of deposition of fat. Such disease tends to increase the potential risk related to health such as overweight, back pain, shortness of breath and many more. Obesity is generally caused by excessive consumption of food containing high content of fat, carbohydrate, fat and sugar (Fatima, Doi and Mamun, 2015). Children obesity is a severe medical problems that majorly affects the children and adolescent and may result in degraded self esteem.


“To analyse the obesity in children of age 10-11 in year 6 in the New Cross ward in London Borough of lewisham.”


  • To identify the basic understanding of obesity.
  • To evaluate the obesity among children of age 10 to 11 years in New Cross ward in London Borough of lewisham.
  • To examine the ways of improvements in obese condition of children.


  • What is the basic understanding of obesity?
  • How to evaluate the obesity among children of age 10 to 11 years in New Cross ward in London Borough of lewisham?
  • What are the ways of improvements in obese condition of children?

Rationale of the report

The cases of occurrence of obesity has been increasing from past few decade in children, thereby, it is very important to analyse the occurrence of obesity in the children at early age only, so that proper and adequate measures can be used to lessen the effect of risk factors and causes of the obesity. This research will deal and evaluate the major cause of obesity in children of New Cross ward in London Borough of lewisham so that suitable improvement ways can be examined.

Profile of local area

New Cross is a part of south east London, England in the London Borough of lewisham. It is near Telegraph Hill, St. John, Greenwich and home to University Of London and many more. New Cross was originally called as Hatcham.

Literature Review

The basic understanding of obesity

The basic idea of obesity involves around the too much amount of fat deposited around the body. As per views of Della and, (2016), the causes of obesity varies from individual to individual, but majorly it occurs due to the imbalance in intake of fats, sugar or carbohydrates in the consumed food. Another factors which may lead to obesity are the history of family, the lifestyle of an individual, any ongoing or past medications, less physical work or due to any medical disorder. The measurement of body mass index of a person has been considered as a screening tool to check the obesity condition, and it gives a figure which can be used in referring whether the obesity is more severe or less.

The obesity among children of age 10 to 11 years in new cross ward in London borough of lewisham.

It has been evaluated that, approximately 340 million children and adolescents were obese or overweight in 2016. Ohkuma and (2015) states that the possibility of severe obesity has been found very high among children of 10 to 11 year of age in New Cross ward in London borough of lewisham. The prime reason behind the growing obesity among children is due to high consumption of unhealthy and junk food. Large number of fast food outlets in London borough make such food more accessible to the children which make them overweight. The ethnicity and social factors play vital role in increasing vulnerability of obesity in such group of people.

The ways of improvements in obese condition of children

Dueto worse condition of obese children, various ways have been provided to control the negative effects of such disease among kids. The most important way to stabilize the condition is to change the lifestyle. Balanced content of nutrients and fats in the food helps in maintaining the weight and keeps the metabolism of the body regulated. According to Wadden and Bray (2018), avoiding junk food, taking proper exercise and sleep aids in lowering the effects by burning the calories in the most realistic manner. In case of severe obesity, clinical weight management options can also be regarded for losing the weight of body according to the standards and height of an individual. The health care service provider who are skilled in controlling such disorder give medicines and suggest weight loss programs and exercises to monitor and lower the fat deposition.


Types of research

Research can be defined as a detailed and careful study about a specific problem, issue or concern using scientific approaches. The methods of research is broadly classified into two methods which are qualitative and quantitative. They are discussed here.

Qualitative research: It is basically an investigatory research. Qualitative research is basically a scientific approach for gathering non numerical data. It refers to the concepts, meanings, definition and definition of things rather than its counts or measures (Hruby and Hu, 2015).

Quantitative research: It is a systematic approach of phenomena by means of gathering quantifiable data and conducting mathematical, statistical or computational techniques.

The respective study has gone through qualitative research method in order to analyse the occurrence of obesity in children aged under 6-10 years.

Data collection method

It can be define as a process of collection and measuring the information from a number of sources. This particular research study goes through both secondary an primary data collection methods (Wang, Wu and Zhang, 2016). As it include review of literature which is a secondary method.


Sampling includes to collect a specific group of respondents and this can be divided into two methods like probable and non probable sampling. In context of this research, it will focus on random sampling having a sample size of 40 participants.

Data analysis



Q1. Do you know about the concept of obesity?

  • Yes
  • No

Q2. What are the factors responsible for childhood obesity?

  • Dietary factors
  • Behavioural factors
  • Genetics

Q3. Do you know about the risk factors linked with childhood obesity?

  • Agree
  • Disagree

Q4. What are the ways of avoiding obesity in childhood?

  • Intake balanced
  • Regular exercise
  • Intake less sweeteners

Q5. Any suggestion for future research.



Theme 1: The concept of obesity

Q1. Do you know about the concept of obesity?


  • Yes


  • No


Interpretation: According to the above pie chart, 34 participants agree that they know the concept of obesity while 6 individual have no idea about the disease.


Theme 2: The factors responsible for childhood obesity

Q2. What are the factors responsible for childhood obesity?


  • Dietary factors


  • Behavioural factors


  • Genetics


Interpretation: As per the above graphical representation, 10 person thinks that dietary factors are responsible for the obesity in children while 12 individual thinks that the behavioural parameters actually play a role in controlling childhood obesity. After the study it has been observed that, 18 participants blames factors related to genetics as a reason for occurrence of such disorder.

Theme 3: Risk factors of childhood obesity

Q3. Do you know about the risk factors linked with childhood obesity?


  • Agree


  • Disagree


Interpretation: From the above data it can be summoned that, 15 respondents agree with the fact that risk factors are linked with the childhood obesity and also had an idea of the number of risk factors related to such disorder whereas 25 participants did not know about the risk factors associated with such disease.

Theme 4: The ways of avoiding obesity in childhood

Q4. What are the ways of avoiding obesity in childhood?


  • Intake balanced


  • Regular exercise


  • Intake less sweeteners


Interpretation: According to the above pie chart representation, 15 individuals laid emphasis on taking balanced diet, on the other hand 15 respondents think that exercising regularly can assist in avoiding obesity in children. 10 individuals were also there who thought that by in-taking less sweeteners the condition of obesity may be stabilised.

Related Article: Keeping Children Safe From Harm

Conclusion and recommendations

From the above report various conclusions can be drawn that, the obesity disease has been considered as a very serious condition which majorly revolve around the amount of fat deposited around the body. By measuring BMI of an individual the severity of obesity is being determined. In new cross ward in London borough of lewisham, it has been observed that a large number of children around the age of 10 to 11 are suffering from severe obesity due to high consumption of junk food and drinks.

It has been recommended that by indulging the children in healthy habit of eating balanced food and drinks helps in maintaining the weight from the starting age. By making them aware about the consequences of the obesity also aids in keeping the children away from the fast food outlets. Emphasis should also be given to physical activities, which not only assist in making them fit but also aids in regulating the metabolism of the body which as a result keep the body in shape.

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